So Evan learned to ride with out training wheels last week. He'd been on the brink for a while, but not quite there and there was only so much running beside him I would do on any given day. For Christmas Olivia got a balance bike- Evan rode that thing all over the house for 2 weeks straight. He was flying on it really. Last week we finally got around to going out front and playing. Evan was eager to try out his own bike. I helped him start out, and was prepared to jog along side when he just took off. He did it no problem at all! I think he was as surprised as me. I know he would have eventually done it- but I honestly think that those two weeks flying around on Olivia's little pink bike with no pedals- made a huge difference for him. I'm willing to bet that Olivia will soon need a new bike again. Right now she hasn't really wanted to use the pink one- she wants the blue one because it has pedals like everyone else. That will change though, we'll just keep it near by and ready to use in the house.
Less than a week after learning to ride, he is now standing up and coasting. I suspect he will be pedaling and standing next week! Emma has not shown too much interest in her bike. She still has training wheels and does not like that the bike wobbles. That's ok, she'll get there eventually. I'd love to make a balance bike for her, hmmm maybe a trip to one of the local thrift stores is in order.....
Here's a couple pictures from this weekend....
Learning about note value etc at our monthly Suzuki piano lesson
This note is on a line!
This one is in a space! :-)
This is our new chalkboard that my parents made for the kids (thanks Mom & Dad!!) It serves a duel purpose. One is to write on (despite what Emma and I wrote on it!) the other is to help keep our dogs from snargulling (technical term) with the dogs who live behind us. They were on the verge of eating through the fence just next to this space. Dad put up some new fencing there (see next pic).
Evan doing his new trick. (Notice Creepy Weird Guy's lovely car front in the background...)
Ok the point of the picture is not to have you wonder how Evan can see with his helmet like that, but to point out how the mini blinds are permanently stuck open at CWG's house. They have been like that for all but an hour or so since we moved into this house (nearly 3 years ago). This is one of several reasons he is Creepy. One of the Weird things (there are MANY, I will spare you) is that those are two of their 4 cars, they have had two other ones as well, not sure where they disappeared to. I know it is not weird to have 4 (or 6 cars) what is odd is that he does not drive them. Almost never. His wife drives one. Every day to work (or something). He is home All. The. Time. ALL THE TIME. Why, if you are home ALL THE TIME do you need 4 cars? Why? Weird.
This is the lovely MINT green house next door. I am seriously considering making some chocolate chip cutouts and taping them to the house. The car in the driveway is the previous owners. They left a month ago- it is bank owned now- but apparently they still have the rights to wash their cars at the house as well as BBQ in the back yard. Nice.