I know I know- I still pretty much am sucking at blogging. I got issues what can I say!
Last week Ben got us a Wii. It is the first game system we have bought- apart from the V-smile and a leapster L-max. Both of those game systems go in and out of fashion around here, and both have gotten quite a bit of use. Both Ben and I have shied away from the big game systems- we both love to play video games and know that we'd get sucked into a world we really don't have time for right now. I have a hard enough time staying away from the computer in order to get things done around here (So you'd think I'd blog more huh?). Any who, we both have been tossing around the idea of the Wii, mainly because it is a get up and move kinda thing. Upon returning the birthday bike that never was (Got it put together only to realize it was defective) Ben had to return it to TRU first thing in the morning and it just so happened that they got a Wii shipment in the night before- so he was third to get one from them.
I have to say it has been pretty darn fun! I was sore for 3 days after the first night of boxing. Seriously. I've also discovered I am much better at Wii bowling than in real life bowling, and even better when I bowl lefty. All the kids but Olivia can play it with some degree of competence, and it is easy enough to fake Olivia out since we have two remotes. We have had so much fun creating Mii's ( the Wii people). We have made characters for every family member and several of our friends. I even made a Severus Snape. (because you need an evil looking fellow wandering in and out of your games) Making the Mii's is almost as much fun as playing a game. We haven't pre-ordered the Wii Fit yet, but I am seriously considering it. It looks pretty darn fun. I used the boxing game today to complement my workout. I walked 2-3 miles, then got on our spin bike for 30 min and since my heart rate was up (I wear a hr monitor) I thought I'd see if I could keep my hr in fat burning range while playing wii boxing. Oh Yeah I can! I boxed for 15 minutes and was truly sweating! The kids got a kick out of seeing me use the game to "work out" too. All in all a great purchase.
As for the Twitter and twhirl- well if you take a gander at my side bar there is something labeled Twitter Updates. I had heard of Twitter a while back but never got around to actually looking at it. One of the blogs I read regularly (Just Enough Nothing More) recently posted about it and that was all it took to get me looking. (in the past I heard about it on the radio, no where near a computer). So now I have something else to get addicted to use regularly. What I like about it is Twhirl- I can keep Twhirl on my desktop and jot lame quick thoughts without bothering to log in and all that fuss.
So if you haven't already looked into it go have a Twitter and Twirl and look me up- I'll follow you!